Accommodations at Marriott Hotels are renowned for their level of comfort and convenience, but one question that may come to mind is whether their hotel rooms are soundproof. It is important to know whether a hotel room is soundproof to ensure the highest level of comfort and relaxation during your stay.

To answer this question, we will discuss how Marriott Hotels ensures soundproofing and benefits that these soundproof rooms provide.

Do Marriott Hotels Have Soundproof Rooms? The Answer:

Yes, Marriott Hotels has soundproof rooms available at most of its locations. The hotel chain utilizes cutting edge technology to ensure that their rooms are as soundproof as possible. They feature double pane windows with special insulation materials that can help block out outside noise and keep the inside of the room quiet.

Additionally, they also use acoustic treatments on ceilings, walls, and floors to eliminate unwanted noise. All of these features are designed to provide maximum soundproofing for their guests’ comfort.

Best Practices for Soundproofing Marriott Hotel Rooms:

Use A Sound Machine:

A sound machine can create white noise in the room to block out external distractions such as traffic and loud conversations.

The sound machine also creates a more peaceful atmosphere in the room. For those who are sensitive to noise, a sound machine is highly recommended.

Hang Soundproof Curtains or Drapes over The Windows:

Soundproof curtains can help block out external noises from entering your hotel room. If hanging heavy curtains is not an option, you can buy specialized window film that will dampen outside noise even further.

Bring Earplugs:

Earplugs are an easy and affordable way to reduce noise coming from outside your hotel room. They won’t completely block out the sound, but they can help muffle it so that you can sleep peacefully. It is recommended to bring a few pairs of earplugs, so that you have enough for the duration of your stay.

Check Out Marriott’s Quiet Zones:

Many Marriott hotels are offering a “Quiet Zone” which is designed for guests who are especially sensitive to noise. It is usually located near the hotel lobby and has specially designed rooms that feature soundproof walls and floors, as well as soft lighting. The Quiet Zone is a great option for those who want to enjoy an extra peaceful stay. 

Request A Higher Floor Room:

The higher up you are, the less likely it is for external noises to reach your room. If possible, request a room on one of the top few floors of the hotel. It is also advised to stay away from rooms near the elevators, lobby, and other public areas.

Additional Amenities:

Some Marriott hotels offer additional amenities to help enhance your stay, such as noise canceling headphones and soundproof walls. You can inquire with the front desk about these options when you check in. 

Extra Blankets:

Bring extra blankets or pillows to muffle any sounds coming from outside the room. By placing extra blankets and pillows around the edges of the room, you can create a sound barrier to help keep outside noises from entering your hotel room. The thicker the blanket or pillow, the more effective it will be in blocking sound.

Benefits of Soundproof Rooms in Hotels:

  • Quiet rooms can help protect privacy and increase security. Hotel rooms that are soundproofed provide a sense of security for guests as well as hotel staff. This is especially beneficial if the hotel property is located in an area with higher crime rates or areas known to have loud parties nearby.
  • Soundproofing helps create a more peaceful atmosphere within the room, allowing guests to relax and enjoy their stay. It also helps keep the noise from disturbing other guests in nearby rooms or hallways.
  • Soundproofing a room can help reduce any outside noises that can potentially disturb your sleep such as traffic, construction, and other environmental noises that may arise during certain times of day or night.
  • Soundproofed rooms are more energy efficient, as they reduce the amount of noise that escapes and keeps the room temperature consistent. It also helps reduce the sound of any air conditioning units running in the room.
  • Soundproofing a hotel room can help maintain a comfortable environment for those who are sensitive to noise, such as light sleepers or people with hearing impairments. This allows them to enjoy their stay without feeling overwhelmed by outside distractions.

Things To Consider When Staying In A Soundproof Room:

  • If you are staying in a soundproof room, it is important to remember that noise can still travel through walls, floors and ceilings if the other rooms are not similarly soundproofed. If your neighbor has their television on loud or they have guests over late at night, this may still disturb your sleep.
  • If you are staying in a soundproof room, it is important to remember that there may still be some noise from outside the hotel. It is best to check if there are any construction sites nearby as this could cause additional disruptions during your stay.
  • Soundproofing a hotel room can be quite costly. It is important to factor this into your budget when booking a room at a Marriott Hotel. The added cost may be worth it, however, for the added level of comfort and relaxation that it will provide.
  • Finally, it is important to remember that soundproofing a hotel room does not guarantee perfect privacy. Hotel staff may still be able to hear you in your room if they are using special listening devices.


Marriott Hotels take pride in providing their guests the highest level of comfort and convenience during their stay. By ensuring all rooms are soundproofed using various soundproofing techniques, they are able to create a peaceful atmosphere in the room where guests can relax and unwind without being disturbed by outside noises.

With Marriott Hotels’ soundproofed rooms, you can be sure that your stay will be peaceful and enjoyable. So, the next time you’re looking for a place to stay, check out Marriott Hotels and their soundproof rooms. You won’t be disappointed.

Daliborka Radcliff
I'm Daliborka Radcliff, a soundproofing enthusiast and the lead editor at I've spent years researching and implementing various soundproofing techniques, and I love to share my knowledge with our readers. My passion for soundproofing started when I was living in an apartment with thin walls and noisy neighbors. The constant disruption made it difficult for me to focus on my work and get a good night's sleep. That's when I decided to dive deep into the world of soundproofing to find solutions. Over the years, I've tested a wide range of products and methods, from DIY room dividers to soundproofing entire garages. My mission at SoundProofTeam is to help people like you achieve peace and tranquility in their homes and lives. Whether you're a light sleeper struggling with hotel noises during your travels, or a musician looking to soundproof your garage without disrupting your neighbors, I'm here to guide you through every step of the process. Let's embark on this journey towards a quieter and more peaceful life together. Welcome to, your ultimate guide to soundproofing.